
New game added to GVN Summer Jam

I would like to announce that UFC Undisputed 2009 has been added to the lineup at GVN Summer Jam. The rules are currently under discussion as this will be the first ever offline tournament. There will also be $500 up for first. At the moment here are the current rules. Note that they are subject to change.


Rules have been finalzed.

UFC Undisputed 2009
-Double elimination
-Default round time limit
-2/3 fights, 3/5 for winner and loser finals(semi's), 4/7 grand finals
-CAFs ae not allowed.
-Coin flip will determine weight class. Winner gets to pick class, loser gets to pick player first.
-Loser of the fight gets to pick weight class for next bout. Winner then can pick character first.


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